Rates & Fees
Mediation is most effective as an alternative to litigation or to resolve disputes before large expenses.
Mediation and consulting services are charged on an hourly rate and my arbitration rates provide a graduated cancellation fee if you are successful in settling the dispute.
Per diem rates may differ based on roster or panel requirements. Please visit the current roster bios for current rates.
Expenses include transportation, lodging, meals, phone, and incidentals. Mileage charged at IRS rate. Travel outside of a hearing date can be prorated. Hearing, study, and preparation fees will be billed when an award is issued.
Cancellation fee: half of per diem if cancelled or postponed between 7 and 21 days before the hearing; full day per diem if cancelled or postponed less than 7 days before the hearing date. If multiple hearing dates are scheduled, any cancellation or postponement within 21 days will be charged based on each day scheduled. Notice of cancellation or postponement must be in writing, with the date of that writing controlling the number of days notice. If a case settles or is postponed on the day of the hearing or after travel to a hearing has begun, travel time and expenses to and from the hearing may be billed, in addition to the day or days set aside for the hearing.